Other project news

Moreton Bay Marine Park Declared a Hope Spot by Dr. Sylvia Earle Mission Blue.

Moreton Bay Marine Park Declared a Hope Spot on 9th September 2016, after a nomination to Mission Bluesubmitted by Jennifer Loder and Chris Roelfsema in February 2016. Jen and Chris submitted that on behave of UniDive, Reef Check and CoralWatch.
Moreton Bay, Lord Howe and the Coral Sea are the Australian Hope Spot out of 76 currently assigned
Congratulations to all volunteers involved in the conservation of the Moreton Bay Marine Park.
See media releases Mission Blue and IUCN.

The Reef needs you, and you can help make a difference?

Divers, uq student-marine-engineering-geography-planning-environmental management-law, data base managers, accountants, teachers, software developers you can all help. Members learn new skills in marine science, mapping, analysis, statistics, or help teach others. You can get involved in citizen science https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2015/12/citizen-scientists-help-save-reefs UniDive has organised and completed several environmental studies at our local dive sites.

Click on the links to the right for more information over past and potentially future projects such ae the Flinders Reef Ecological Assessment

UniDive and Reef Check Australia Nominated Moreton Bay Marine Park for Hope Spot

24 Feb 2016

Hope Spots http://mission-blue.org/hope-spots/ are of ecological and conservation significant marine areas in the world and are awarded this status by Mission Blue,an organisation driven by the famous Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earl. In February Jennifer Loder from Reef Check Australia (www.reefcheckaustralia.org) and Chris Roelfsema, UniDive Conservation Officer, have nominated our beautiful and beloved Moreton Bay Marine Park as a Hope Spot. The nomination is currently in review with Mission Blue, hopefully we will here more soon. See Ocean Ark Alliance info page on Moreton Bay (www.oceanarkalliance.org.au/moreton-bay-fact-files/) and Moreton Bay Marine Park, South East Queensland, Australia (http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/moreton-bay/ )

Healthy Water Ways Award 2015 for UniDive Citizen Science Projects (June 2015)

We've even won Healthy Water Ways Stewardship and People Choice awards in 2015 for our projects!

Healthy Waterways Awards

Doug, Ruth, Chris and Lock receiving our two Healthy Waterways Awards for the Point Lookout Ecological Assessmentproject.